Board: 2022-23


Jeppe Marsling

Chairman – Jeppe Marsling (b. 1974, Denmark), founder

Graduated his secondary education from Sct. Annae Music High School, president of OBESSU, Organizing Bureau of European School Student Unions (1994-96). After studying Philosophy at Roskilde University (1996-2003), he published a children’s book (Animals of Asgaard, 2007) and essays; editor of culture and editor in chief of the Copenhagen Newspaper (2006-09). In 2006, he wrote lyrics for the choir piece Hymn for Human Rights. Editor for film (2013-15), editor for Europe (2015-16) on the online magazine Netudgaven. Co-founder of the EU Songbook Association, 2015; chairman until 2022

Jens Svane Boutrup, Denmark

Treasurer – Jens Svane Boutrup (b. 1973, Denmark), founder

Since he was educated as s stage director (MFA) from Brooklyn College in New York, Jens has both dramatised and translated several plays, both for children and adults. Recently Border Syndrome, a drama based on A Short Border Handbook by Gazmend Kapllani. From 2005 through 2008 he was head of the Theatre Momentum. Since 2008, he has been the head of Bornholm’s Theatre. Co-founder of the EU Songbook Association, 2015; treasurer until 2022.

Vice Chairman / Secretary – David Drachmann Laureng (b. 1973, Denmark)

Educated Scenic artist from The Royal Theatre in Copenhagen, where he accordingly worked (1996-2016) and served as a board member (2012-15), and BA of Art History and Educational Theory. Ad hoc teacher at the Danish National School of Performing Arts. Recently he has been heading the restoration of the stage of Denmark’s oldest theater, Rønne Theater, and is currently a historic consultant for the board who is restoring The Royal Court Theater. David made the art work for the EU Songbook’s 27 song nominations and national song votes since 2015. Secretary until 2022.

Board Member – Liesbeth Segers, Koor&Stem (Belgium)

Koor&Stem is a non-profit organisation that supports more than 1000 choirs, 35.000 singers and conductors across Flanders. In addition Liesbeth is one of four central music editors on the EU Songbook.


Board Member – Nuno Bettencourt Mendes, APEM (Portugal)

APEM is the Portuguese Music Teacher Association and just had 50 years jubilee.


Board Member – Rūta Kanteruka, LVIIMSA (Latvia)

LVIIMSA is the Latvian Music Teachers’ Association (LV-MTA). In Latvian it uses its’ short name LVIIMSA.

Board Member – Egli Spyridaki, Music Academy ARTE (Cyprus)

Egli is Director of Music Academy ARTE, the first music school of higher education in Cyprus.


Former board members (2015-21):

Jon Egeris Karstoft

Vice chairman, founder (until March 2021)

Jon Egeris Karstoft, b, 1992, Denmark
Master in political science at the University of Copenhagen (2021). He has lived in both France and Germany. In 2011, he co-founded the youth wing of the SSW, the party of the Danish minority in Germany. Two years later, he was the European delegate of the youth wing, joining in on the debate in the European Free Alliance. When he doesn’t study, he writes about European politics for Ræson, a Danish international affairs magazine, and co-organises the Song Marathon, a major open air event in Copenhagen. Co-founder of the EU Songbook Association, 2015.

Francesco Cali

Former Secretary, founder (until aug. 2020)

Francesco Cali, b. 1966, Italy
Educated as pianist and composer from the music conservatory in Catania. Since 1991 he has published many works, both classical and jazz, instrumental and for choir. Among those Hymn for Human Rights with Chamber Choir Hymnia. Having won the international competition “Pepinières Européennes pour Jeunes Artistes” he was invited to the music Conservatory in Copenhagen. He now resides in Copenhagen where he has established his family. Co-founder of the EU Songbook Association, 2015.



List of 47 partners (national EU Songbook Editors, highlighted) and 58 collaborators in 27 member states (including UK, prior to Brexit):

The European-spirited organisations, academies and institutions on this list have actively part taken in shaping the EU Songbook since 2015: some have nominated song categories; some nominated songs in those categories; some have voted for songs among the nominated; some have written introductions and provided lead sheets; some have part taken in identifying the best suited translator; some have been intermediaries for funding between our association and their ministry of culture; and some all of these:

  1. University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (KUG) – AUS
  2. Steirisches-Volksliedwerk – AUS
  3. Koor&Stem – BEL
  4. À Cœur Joie, Fédération Chorale Wallonie-Bruxelles (choir union for Wallonia-Bruxelles) – BEL
  5. Conservatoire de Gand (KASK) – BEL
  6. Kunstenpunt – BEL
  7. Music Academy of Plovdiv – BUL
  8. University of Zagreb, Music Academy – CRO
  9. Hrvatski sabor culture  – HRSK (The Croatian Cultural Association) – CRO
  10. Hrvatsko društvo skladatelja (The Croatian Composers’ Society) – CRO
  11. The Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Department of Music – CRO
  12. Music Academy ARTE – CY
  13. University of Cyprus – CY
  14. Cyprus Music Information Centre (CyMIC) – CY
  15. Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (AMU) – CZ
  16. The Czech Choral Union  (Unie českých pěveckých sborů, UCPS) – CZ
  17. Ochranný svaz autorský pro práva k dílům hudebním (OSA) – CZ 
  18. Rytmisk Musikkonservatorium (RMC) / Rhythmic Music Conservatory (RMC) – DK
  19. Sankt Annæ Gymnasium / Sct. Ann Music High School – DK  
  20. The Royal Danish Music Academy / Det Kongelige Danske Musikkonservatorium, DKDM – DK
  21. Folkehøjskolernes Forening i Danmark – DK
  22. Musiklærerforeningens Forlag – DK
  23. Danish Ministry of Culture – DK
  24. The European Movement Denmark – DK
  25. Estonian Choral Association (ECA) – EST
  26. Estonian Society for Music Education – EST
  27. Eesti Muusika- ja Teatriakadeemia – EST
  28. Sulasol – The Finnish Amateur Musicians’ Association – FIN 
  29. Sibelius Academy – University of the Arts, Helsinki – FIN
  30. Music Archive Finland – FIN
  31. Music Finland – FIN
  32. Musiikkimuseo Fame (Fame Music Museum) – FIN
  33. Training Center for Teachers of Music (CEFEDEM) – FRA
  34. Lyon Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse – FRA
  35. L’Association des Amis de Pontigny-Cerisy (AAPC) – FRA
  36. Association of German Concert Choirs (VDKC) – GER
  37. Dresden Hochschule für Musik Dresden “Carl Maria von Weber” – GER
  38. Der Deutsche Chorverband (The German Choir Association) – GER
  39. Deutsche Chorjugend (DCJ) – (The German Choir Youth) – GER
  40. Deutscher Tonkünstlerverband e.V (DTKV) – GER
  41. Die Hochschule für Musik Würzburg (University for Music Würzburg) – GER
  42. Goethe-Institut (Zentrale, München) – (The Goethe Institute) – GER
  43. Europäische Bewegung Deutschland e.V (The European Movement) – GER
  44. The Sächsisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Saxon State Ministry for Art) – GER
  45. Ministerium für Justiz, Kultur und Europa in Schleswig-Holstein – GER
  46. The Hellenic Choirs Association – GR
  47. Ionian University, Corfu / Music Department – GR
  48. KÓTA, Magyar Kórusok, Zenekarok és Népzenei Együttesek Szövetsége (national choir union) –HU
  49. Papageno – Élménykalauz – HU
  50. Magyar Műfordítók Egyesülete(the Association of Hungarian Literary Translators) – HU
  51. CIT Cork School of Music – IRE
  53. Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali “Vincenzo Bellini”, Catania – ITA
  54. National Academy of Jazz, Siena – ITA
  55. Conservatorio di musica “Giuseppe Verdi” (Milano) – ITA
  56. Conservatorio Statale di Musica “G. Frescobaldi” (Ferrara) – ITA
  57. Coro Giovanile Diapason (Roma) – ITA
  58. Latvian Music Teachers’ Association (LVIIMSA) – LAT
  59. Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas mūzikas akadēmija (Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music) – LAT
  60. Lithuanian Choral Union – LIT
  61. Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), Musica Academy – LIT
  62. Lithuanian National Culture Center, Music Division – LIT
  63. Union Grand-Duc Adolphe (UGDA) – LUX
  64. Institut Européen de Chant Choral Luxembourg (INECC) – LUX
  65. Conservatoire de la Ville de Luxembourg – LUX
  66. School of Performing Arts, University of Malta – MAL
  67. Malta School of Music – MAL
  68. Prins Claus Conservatorium, Groningen – HOL
  69. Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (HKU) – HOL
  70. Academy of Music, Stanisław Moniuszko in Gdańsk – POL
  71. Academy of Music. I.J. Paderewski, in Poznan – POL
  72. Bydgoszcz Music Academy – “Feliks Nowowiejski” – POL
  73. Polski Związek Chórów i Orkiestr, PZChiO / Association of Polish Choirs and Orchestras – POL
  74. The Association of Philharmonic Orchestras in Poland – POL
  75. Portuguese Association for Music Education (APEM) – POR
  76. Association for Choirs in Lisbon (AMLC) – POR
  77. Institute of Ethnomusicology, Center for Studies in Music and Dance – POR
  78. Academia de Música de Lagos (Academy of Music – Lagos) – POR
  79. Romanian National Association of Choral Music (ANCR) – RO
  80. National University of Music, Bucharest (UNMB) – RO
  81. Faculty of Music, Transilvania University of Brașov – RO
  82. Academia de Muzica ‚Gheorghe Dima‘ din Cluj-Napoca – RO
  83. Slovak Music Teacher Association (AUHS) – SLOVA
  84. Academy of Music Bratislava (VŠMU) – SLOVA
  85. Bratislava Music Agency (Viva Music Agency) – SLOVA
  86. Hudobné Centrum (Music Centre) – SLOVA
  87. University of Ljubljana, Academy of Music – SLOVE
  88. Slovene Society of Composers (DSS) – SLOVE
  89. Republic of Slovenia Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD) – SLOVE
  90. Escuela Superior de Canto de Madrid (ESCM) – SPA
  91. Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid – SPA
  92. Departamento de Didáctica de la Expresión Musical, Universidad de Granada – SPA
  93. Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía – SPA
  94. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Departament d’Art i de Musicologia – SPA
  95. European Association of Music in Schools, Spain (EAS) –  SPA
  96. Royal College of Music in Stockholm (KMH) – SWE
  97. Musikwerket – SWE
  98. Musikhögskolan i Malmö – SWE
  99. Svensk Visarkiv – SWE
  100. Skap – Intresseorganisationen för Sveriges musikskapare (Swedens Cmposers Union)- SWE
  101. Royal Birmingham Conservatoire – UK
  102. Royal Academy of Music, Open Academy – UK
  103. Royal College of Music – UK
  104. Association of British Choral Directors – UK
  105. British Music Teachers – UK